vineri, 22 mai 2020

7th grade/Keeping healthy-Stories from around the world

Here we are again!

Watch the video! 👇
Running for fun
Running regularly helps you keep fit. That’s why millions of people run several days a week and regularly take part in races. Some runners combine the sport with doing something good for others. They collect money for their run and give it to a charity. Some charity runners run a full marathon dressed in a crazy costume to collect more money for their charity.
In 2012, Travis Snyder from the US organised the largest running event in the world called ‘Color Run – The happiest 5K on the planet’, a fun run for both professionals and amateurs. It started with 6,000 participants in Phoenix, Arizona, and now it takes place every year in many cities around the world, with millions of runners. The idea is simple: you start wearing something white, and at every kilometre people spray and paint you in different colours: Why do people go on a Color Run? Because ‘it’s healthy, fun and colourful’ one of the runners said.

A beautiful morning in the park
The scene you can see in this photo is something you will see in many parks in China: big groups of people doingchi – slow, controlled movements of the arms and legs. These movements are very good for your health. People doing tai chi say it helps them to concentrate better and to feel happy and relaxed. They don’t feel stressed any more. On weekdays you will often see elderly people doing tai chi, but if you go to the park at weekends, you will see lots of families and children, all practising these elegant movements together.

Ice swimming
Imagine it’s minus 15 degrees Celsius outside on a sunny Saturday afternoon and you are somewhere in Russia or Finland. Would you rather see a film with a friend, go for a walk and enjoy the beautiful snow, or go for a swim in the nearby river? Not many of our readers would choose to go for a swim in such low temperatures, but in Russia, Finland and other countries, ice swimming has been popular for centuries. Some people say it’s very healthy because it improves blood circulation and strengthens the body’s immune system. Doctors say these things may be true, but you have to be very brave to try it – and it’s only for people who are already fit and healthy!

Now, let's read a diary entry!

Read Jim’s story below. Answer these questions.
Where were Jim and his friends?
What happened to Jim?
What did his friends do?
What happened in the end?
What do you think Jim and his friends learned from the experience?

Which of the words in bold in the story are used to:
- talk about the time when things happened?
- talk about the order in which things happened?
- make the story more interesting?

 Which past tenses does the writer use in the first paragraph and why?

The story has three paragraphs.
Which of them ...

  • sets the scene? (who? where? when?)
  • talks about a dramatic situation?
  • tells about the solution to the problem?

Homework: Write your story (in about 120 words). Use Jim’s story to help you.
Make sure your story is well structured.
When you have finished, check the tenses you have used.

Have a relaxing weekend!!!

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