vineri, 22 mai 2020

5th grade/Revision

1).Read the following text and answer the questions!

1. Where is Tony from?
2. How old is Tony?
3. What do English students bring to school?
4. What is a packed lunch?
5. What is a school dinner?
6. How much does a school dinner cost?
7. What does a school dinner contain?

2).  Circule the odd word out. Write în your notebook.

3). Healthy Diet for Kids: Food Pyramid
Have you ever heard of the Food Pyramid? No, it’s not a giant pile of food in Egypt! The Food Pyramid is a clever chart to show the five groups of foods that have all the nutrients that keep your body healthy and make you grow. It includes the different foods from all five groups and how much of each type of food you should eat.

Homework :Draw yor own food Pyramid!

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