miercuri, 6 mai 2020

4th grade /Lesson 4/ Some and Any

Good morning! 🌞🌻
Today we will learn about Some and Any.
Watch the video and focus on the situations when to use some and any! 💡

We use SOME in positive statements and ANY in negative and interrogative statements.

(+) SOME
(-) (?) ANY

(+) I have some carrots in the fridge.
(-) I haven't got any carrots in the fridge.
(?) Have you got any carrots in the fridge?

💡Some is also used for offers and requests.
Would you like some juice? - offer
Could you give me some sugar ? - request

Let's open our online book!  What's your favourite food? /Lesson 4 ▶️Click on the Link!
Listen to exercise 1 and repeat!
Complete the sentences with some or Any in ex. 2
Write exercise 3 and 4 in your notebook!

HAVE A GREAT DAY!!!!! 🐯🦁🐱🦊🐺🐶🐒🐂🐷🐄🦓🐮🐏🐐🐑🐪🐫🦙🦒🐘🐭🐀🐹

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