joi, 7 mai 2020

7th grade/ Predictions about the future/Will and Won't

Good afternoon!🌻
Today we will learn about predictions about the future using will and won't.
Watch the video in your online book. Click on the Link

will / won’t (predictions)

 A I’m seeing Jane at six.         B She’ll be late. 
A. The film’s in French.            B We won’t understand anything.
A. It’s a great book.                  B I’m sure you’ll like it.

 I don’t think it’ll rain tomorrow.
 • We often use will / won’t + infinitive for future predictions,  to say things we think, guess, or know about the future.
 • We often use I think / I don’t think + will. I think he’ll fail the exam. I don’t think he’ll pass the exam. NOT I think he won’t pass.

1)page 76/ ex.1,2,3
2) Look at the picture below and write about, predict the 4 situations that can be a problem. 

Watch the video!

Future Simple Tense - Will Won’t

Click on the link and do the TEST

Thank you! Have a nice Day! 😍

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