joi, 7 mai 2020

5th grade/ All about food

Good morning, my dear 5th graders!
We haven't seen each other for seven weeks. 😥 I hope you are all healthy and happy! 😍

Today we will learn about food.
Watch the video! ⬇️ Try to learn as many words as you can!

Let's go to our online book! Click on the Online book
There, you have to watch the video, repeat the words. 

Do the crossword! 

Expressing LIKES/DISLIKES-preferences
In English we use like,love , don't like, hate, etc. with a verb +ING. 
I like eating pizza. 
I like drinking tea. 
I don't like eating cereals. 
I really hate drinking coffee. 

Write about your likes and dislikes, as in the example! 

Finally, you have to do the following test and send it to my email!( 

Have a wonderful sunny day🌞🌻!

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