luni, 11 mai 2020

3rd grade/REVISION/Writing a postcard

Today we will learn how to write a postcard. It is usually sent when you are travelling  abroad.
Now, let's go to our online book ➡️OnlineBook
Title: Revision
Exercise 1

Let's see the verbs in this exercise!
(to) have a great time=jól érezni magad
(to) make a snowman=hóembert építeni
(to) ski in the ocean=az óceánban síelni
(to) ride a sleigh= szánkózni
(to) run=szaladni
(to) decorate=díszíteni

Complete the postcard with the right form!
Eg. Our friend Lucy is making a snowman on the beach.

Exercise 2 Read te postcard again, look at the picture and  correct the mistakes!
Eg. Three girls aren't skiing in the Ocean.
       They are swimming in the Ocean.

  • the boys - are surfing
  • Bob-is sailing 
  • her mother-is picking shells
  • the reindeer- is running
Homework: Write a postcard to your teacher! 
Have a great day! 🌞

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