vineri, 29 mai 2020

Limba română /Clasa a 7a/Complementul direct/Complementul indirect

Bună tuturor!
Azi vom învăța despre Complementul direct și Complementul indirect.
Vizionați următorul video ⬇️
Scrieți următoarele notițe în caietul de școală!


Weekend plăcut! 🌞

7ht grade/Project time/Cyberbullying

Be smart online!
Stay safe!
Today's lesson:  How to make a  brochure about cyberbullying?

Answer the questions:

  • Are you active on any social media network?
  • How long have you had your account?
  • What is the minimum age required to open an account?
  • How much time do you normally spend online every day? What do you do?

The virtual space can sometimes be a dangerous place. Read the information below to find out what cyberbullying is and why it is dangerous.

  • What is it?
Cyberbullying. Using the Internet to harm or frighten another person, especially by sending them unpleasant messages. Anything from insults and cruel comments to someone’s posts or pictures, to upsetting questions about our personal lives can be an example of cyberbullying.

  • How does it happen?

Cyberbullying is hardly an accident, it happens repeatedly, when an individual or group use technology to harm another person or group. Cyberbullies send hurtful texts or abusive emails, exclude classmates from online conversations, imitate someone online, post inappropriate images or troll other people.

  • Can it happen to you?

Cyberbullying can happen to anyone! It typically involves a person who bullies someone, either hiding behind fake online profiles, or in a group of friends or classmates. In some cases, others are also involved – people who witness someone being cyberbullied. A positive reaction is is to provide support to the target. A negative reaction is joining in in the bullying behaviour by forwarding humiliating images and making demeaning comments.

  • Is it serious?

Cyberbullying is very serious! It can occur 24 hours a day, extending well beyond school grounds and into ‘safe’ spaces, such as in homes. Its effects can damage a lot, making a person lose trust in themselves, feel isolated, friendless, miserable and insecure. If you think one of your friends may be the target of cyberbullying, don’t ignore it – offer to assist and then talk to an adult!

  • What can we do?

Respect online is just as important as in face-to-face interaction, so it is important to teach younger internet users how to act responsibly online and show them ways to deal with cyberbullying behaviour and ways to prevent it. It is also crucial to demonstrate how others can be affected by their interactions online and what language and actions are considered appropriate in the online environment.

Look at the following words from the text and write them in the table below. Add two more for each category.

Your school has chosen some students in your year to help younger colleagues stay away from cyberbullying. Design a campaign brochure to inform about the dangers of cyberbullying and how to keep safe.
Step 1
Design the first poster to inform your schoolmates about cyberbullying. Use the headlines in the text  to inform about:
➡️what cyberbullying is.
➡️how and where it can happen.
➡️who can be affected.
➡️what people can do about it.
Tip: Do you know that a picture is worth 1000 words? So, don’t forget to use images to make your message more effective!

Step 2
Research time: Use the Internet to find out more about the signs someone may be a victim of cyberbullying.
Put the information on the second poster.

Step 3
Research the Internet and use your own ideas to make suggestions about how to keep safe online.
Design the third poster to complete your campaign.
Tip: Always be selective about the information available online!

Have a great weekend!!!!!!! 

6th grade/ Comparison of adjectives

Hello, dear 6th graders!

A. Comparative adjectives – Regular adjectives

Short adjectives (one-syllable)
adjective + -er
cheap  → cheaper
tall → taller

adjective + the last consonant doubled + -er
big        → bigger
slim       → slimmer

adjective ending in -e + -r
late       → later
large     → larger

Long adjectives (two-syllable) ending in -y
adjective + -y + -ier
early       → earlier
happy    → happier

Longer adjectives (two or more syllables)
more + adjective
expensive → more expensive
intelligent → more intelligent

We use comparative adjectives to show how two people or things are different from each other.
We use than with the comparative.
The red bike is cheaper than the blue bike.
Susie is prettier than Kate.
I’m more intelligent than my cousin.

Exercise 1.
Write the comparative form of the following adjectives.
0 new
1 short _______________
2 exciting _______________
3 thin _______________
4 cute _______________
5 tidy _______________
6 delicious _______________
7 boring _______________
8 serious _______________

Remember that we do not add -er to the adjectives that form the comparative with more.
The pink flowers are more beautiful (not beautifuler) than the yellow flowers.

Exercise 2
Write sentences with comparative adjectives using the prompts.
0 Robin / short / Henry
Robin is shorter than Henry.
1 war films / boring / comedies
2 English / easy / maths
3 Sally / tall / her friend
4 This documentary / interesting / that film
5 I / tidy / my brother
6 a bus / slow / a plane

B. Comparative adjectives – Irregular adjectives

good better
bad         worse
far         farther / further

Exercise 3
Complete the text with the comparative form of the adjective in brackets.

Public transport in the UK
Trains are 0 faster (fast) than buses but they are a lot 1............ (expensive). In the past, transport was 2........ (bad) than it is now and trains were often late. Now things are much 3.........(good) than ten years ago.
The trains arrive on time and they go 4....... (far) than in the past.
In cities like London, the underground is a good way to travel. Underground trains are 5........ (safe) and 6....... (quick) than buses.

C. As … as

We use as + adjective + as to talk about people or things that are equal in some way.
We use not as + adjective + as when we talk about things that aren’t equal.
That tree is as tall as our house.
A bike isn’t as fast as a scooter.

Exercise 4
Put the words in order to write sentences.
0 as / long / my hair / Betty’s hair / isn’t / as
Betty’s hair isn’t as long as my hair.
1 famous / as / Lady Gaga / as / Beyoncé / is
2 underground trains / Buses / fast / as / as / aren’t
3 London / Rome / big / isn’t / as / as /
4 her sister / tidy / Heidi / Is / as / as / ?
5 hot / as / as / Italy / France / Is / ?

D. Superlative adjectives – Regular adjectives

Short adjectives (one-syllable)
the + adjective + -est cheap → the cheapest
the + adjective + the last consonant doubled + -est big → the biggest
the + adjective +st safe → the safest
Long adjectives (two-syllable) ending in -y
the + adjective + -y + -ier early → the earliest
Longer adjectives (two or more syllables)
the most + adjective expensive → the most expensive
We use superlative adjectives to show how more than two things are different form each other in the same group.
We use the … in / of …with the superlative.
Harry is the tallest boy in the class.
That’s the nicest one of the beaches on the island.

Exercise 5
Write the superlative form of the following adjectives.
0 near
                the nearest     
1 slow ______________
2 fat ______________
3 thin ______________
4 pretty ______________
5 easy ______________
6 famous ______________

Exercise 6
Complete the sentences with the superlative form of the adjective in brackets.
Listen and check.
0   Who is
the oldest
 (old) child in your family?
1 Mount Everest is _______________ (high) mountain in the world.
2 Which is _______________ (long) river in Italy?
3 Beatrice is _______________ (tall) girl in our class.
4 My schoolbag is _______________ (heavy) in the class!
5 Who is _______________ (fast) runner of all the students?
6 Which is _______________ (boring) book of these three books?

E.Superlative adjectives – Irregular adjectives

good -the best
bad -the worst
far ther-farthest / furthest
Irregular adjectives have irregular comparative and superlative forms.

Have a great weekend! 🌈🌞🌄🌅

5th grade/Holiday fun/Present continuous

Hello, my dear 5th graders!
Today we will talk about Holiday and will learn about actions happening now.
Let's start 👀
Look at the picture! ⬇️Read the text!

Answer the questions related to our texts! !
1.Where is Cheryl having a great time?
She is having a great time in .......
2. Who is Cheryl writing to?
She is writing to......
3. When is she there?
She is there on........
4. What are the people doing?
The people are........
5. What are they doing in the park?
They are.....
6. What's the wearher like?

1.Where is Katy?
She is in .................
2. What's the wearher like?
3. Who is she having a great time with?
She is having a great time with.......
4.What are the people doing?
The people are........
5. What are they eating?
They are eating.....
6.What is the symbol of Winter?

We are talking about Katy and Cheryl's present activities!
They are having a great time.
are having➡️ to be+Ving
The verb to be (lenni ige)
I. I am
II. You are
III. He/She/It is

I. We are
II. You are
III. They are

Use:  for actions happening now
Time expressions: now, at the moment, today
(+) affirmative      S+to be+Ving
I am learning now.
My mother is cooking at the moment.
They are travelling today.
(-) negative           S+to be+not+Ving
I am not learning now.
My mother is not (isn't) cooking at the moment.
They are not (aren't) travelling today.
(?) interrogative.  To be +S+ Ving?
Am I learning now?
Is my mother cooking at the moment?
Are they travelling today?

Watch the video and take notes!

ING ending/ Spelling rules

Focus on the spelling rules and do the next exercise!
Exercise 1
Exercise 2
Look at the pictures and match. Write the sentences in your notebook.

1.The boys
      a)is talking a bike ride.
      b) are having a barbecue.
      c) is going skiing.
      d) are playing football

Exercise 3
Form complete sentences. Use the present continuous. Write the sentences in your notebook.
1. Bob/have/a/great/time/now
Bob is having a great time now.
2. I/read/my/favourite/book/today
3. You/play/football/with /Mark/at the moment.
4. My parents/travel/to Bucharest/at the moment

Have a great weekend 🌄🌅🌞🌈

joi, 28 mai 2020

Cp/1st/ 2nd/3rd/4th graders- SUMMER

SUMMER TIME is here!!!

Let's learn some words related to Summer.

Watch the video!

Repeat the words:
Let's say something about each word:
I like Summer.

The sun is yellow.

The pool is blue.
I go to the beach.
I swim in the sea.
The sunglasses are red.
The strawberry is red.

What clothes do we usually wear in the Summer?
 Watch the video!

 Homework : 
1.Draw, write and colour!
2. Learn the song

marți, 26 mai 2020

Clasa a 7a/Limba și literatura română /Cartea

Bună ziua!
Azi vom citi puțin!
Vă rog să răspundeți la următoarele întrebări!

Uitați-vă la următoarele imagini și scrieți despre fiecare câte o propoziție.
Mai departe va trebui să citiți un interviu cu un redactor de carte. 

Scrieți cuvintele și explicația acestora în caiet.
Rezolvați următoarele exerciții!
Răspundeți la următoarele întrebări :

Temă de casă: Redactați în scris conținutul interviului.

vineri, 22 mai 2020

7th grade/Keeping healthy-Stories from around the world

Here we are again!

Watch the video! 👇
Running for fun
Running regularly helps you keep fit. That’s why millions of people run several days a week and regularly take part in races. Some runners combine the sport with doing something good for others. They collect money for their run and give it to a charity. Some charity runners run a full marathon dressed in a crazy costume to collect more money for their charity.
In 2012, Travis Snyder from the US organised the largest running event in the world called ‘Color Run – The happiest 5K on the planet’, a fun run for both professionals and amateurs. It started with 6,000 participants in Phoenix, Arizona, and now it takes place every year in many cities around the world, with millions of runners. The idea is simple: you start wearing something white, and at every kilometre people spray and paint you in different colours: Why do people go on a Color Run? Because ‘it’s healthy, fun and colourful’ one of the runners said.

A beautiful morning in the park
The scene you can see in this photo is something you will see in many parks in China: big groups of people doingchi – slow, controlled movements of the arms and legs. These movements are very good for your health. People doing tai chi say it helps them to concentrate better and to feel happy and relaxed. They don’t feel stressed any more. On weekdays you will often see elderly people doing tai chi, but if you go to the park at weekends, you will see lots of families and children, all practising these elegant movements together.

Ice swimming
Imagine it’s minus 15 degrees Celsius outside on a sunny Saturday afternoon and you are somewhere in Russia or Finland. Would you rather see a film with a friend, go for a walk and enjoy the beautiful snow, or go for a swim in the nearby river? Not many of our readers would choose to go for a swim in such low temperatures, but in Russia, Finland and other countries, ice swimming has been popular for centuries. Some people say it’s very healthy because it improves blood circulation and strengthens the body’s immune system. Doctors say these things may be true, but you have to be very brave to try it – and it’s only for people who are already fit and healthy!

Now, let's read a diary entry!

Read Jim’s story below. Answer these questions.
Where were Jim and his friends?
What happened to Jim?
What did his friends do?
What happened in the end?
What do you think Jim and his friends learned from the experience?

Which of the words in bold in the story are used to:
- talk about the time when things happened?
- talk about the order in which things happened?
- make the story more interesting?

 Which past tenses does the writer use in the first paragraph and why?

The story has three paragraphs.
Which of them ...

  • sets the scene? (who? where? when?)
  • talks about a dramatic situation?
  • tells about the solution to the problem?

Homework: Write your story (in about 120 words). Use Jim’s story to help you.
Make sure your story is well structured.
When you have finished, check the tenses you have used.

Have a relaxing weekend!!!

Clasa a 7a/Limba română/Recapitulare/Părțile de vorbire

Bună ziua, dragi elevi!
A sosit momentul revederii părților de vorbire importante pentru comunicarea corectă cu cei dragi.

Haideți să vizionăm legenda părților de vorbire! 👇



Temă de casă: Scrieți o compunere cu titlul "La bunici". Subliniați substantivele cu roșu, verbele cu albastru, adjectivele cu verde, numeralele cu mov și pronumele cu portocaliu. Analizați câte un cuvânt din fiecare parte de vorbire.

Weekend plăcut! 🌻

6th grade/Where did you travel?

Do you like travelling?✈️🚢🚁🚝🚃🚍🚗🚜

Read the questions and answer them in your notebook!
Reading comprehension
Read the text!

Martin had a terrible day yesterday. It was the day of his vacation to Spain but it was a nightmare. He left the house at 10 o'clock in the morning and caught a taxi to the airport.
Martin went to the check-in with his luggage. When the man who worked for the airline asked for his passport, Martin became very upset. Where was his passport? Martin realized he didn't have his passport with him. What a disaster!
He jumped back into the taxi and told the driver to take him home. The driver drove quickly and Martin arrived back at his house in twenty minutes.
He ran into the house and went into his bedroom. He found his passport on the bedside table and left the house again. But the taxi wasn't there! Where was the taxi!
Martin jumped up and down angrily. "I don't believe it. The taxi left!" he shouted. He ran down the street and looked for another taxi.
After a few minutes, Martin found another taxi and told the driver to take him to the airport as quickly as possible. The traffic on the roads was very bad and, unfortunately, Martin's taxi arrived at the airport late. His plane left for Spain at 11.30 and Martin missed it. He was very sad and went to speak to the airline. They promised to get him a seat on an evening flight and Martin went home on another taxi to wait.

After reading "Martin's Vacation", answer these reading comprehension questions about it.
1. Where was Martin going on vacation?

2. What time did he leave the house?

3. How did he get to the airport?

4. When did he realize that he didn't have his passport?

5. How long did it take to go back to his house in the taxi?

6. Where was the passport?

7. What did Martin discover when he went back outside?

8. How did Martin get to the airport the second time?

9. Why did he arrive late at the airport?

10. Why did Martin go home?

Have a great weekend! 🌻😘

5th grade/Revision

1).Read the following text and answer the questions!

1. Where is Tony from?
2. How old is Tony?
3. What do English students bring to school?
4. What is a packed lunch?
5. What is a school dinner?
6. How much does a school dinner cost?
7. What does a school dinner contain?

2).  Circule the odd word out. Write în your notebook.

3). Healthy Diet for Kids: Food Pyramid
Have you ever heard of the Food Pyramid? No, it’s not a giant pile of food in Egypt! The Food Pyramid is a clever chart to show the five groups of foods that have all the nutrients that keep your body healthy and make you grow. It includes the different foods from all five groups and how much of each type of food you should eat.

Homework :Draw yor own food Pyramid!

marți, 19 mai 2020

Clasa a 7a/Limba română/Adjectivul

Vizionați videoclipul!

Scrieți în caiet!!!!


Temă de casă: Scrie o scurtă compunere în care să folosești cât mai multe adjective. Subliniază adjectivele.

CP/1st/2nd Grade/ WHERE IS IT?

Hello children!!!!
Let's learn about where the things , people are.
Watch the video!

Now, let's meet Blip Blop!
Watch the video!

Where is Blip Blop, the blue boy?
He is next to the house.
He is behind the house.
He is in front of the house.
Where is the school?
It's in front of the park.
   Where is the cinema?
       It's next to the supermarket.
  Where is the pet shop?
It's next to the toy shop.
Where is the bank?
It's next to the bookshop.
Where is the Zoo?
                      It's behind the bank and the bookshop.

luni, 18 mai 2020

4th grade/Unit 10 How do you feel?/Lesson 1

Good morning! 
Today we are learning about Blip Blop and his friends. The title of the lesson is :
How do you feel?
Let's watch the video!


Answer the questions! Write the answers in your notebook! 
Where does Blip Blop want to go?  He wants to go......
How does Jenny feel? She feels sick. She's got a .......
What is Tommy's problem? His..... hurts.
How does Christie feel? She's got a .......
How does Blip Blop feel? He has got a........ and he is.........
Do they go to the park?

Complete the sentences with the words from the vocabulary!

Homework: Write the main ideas of the lesson!

3rd grade/ The flying book- reading

Good morning! 🌻
Today we will read about Blip Blop and his friends. Let's go to our online Book!
The Title of the lesson is The flying book.

Look at the pictures and write the words in your notebook!

Watch the video!

A. Watch the video, read te text and answer the following questions! Write the answers in your notebook.

1. What is the title of the lesson?
2. What is the cat doing? The cat is....
3. What are the ducks doing? The ducks are...
4. What is the rooster doing? The rooster is...
5. What are the geese doing? The geese are...

B. Read te text again  and match:

A rooster is                                                      a. singing in front of the door.
The cows are                                                   b. talking to the children.
A shepherd is                                                  c. eating grass in the yard.
The children are                                              d. swimming in the pond.
Some fish are                                                  e. going to the castle.

C.What are they doing? Look and write:

The pig is reading a book.
The rooster ____________ on the pond.
The sheep ____________ an e-mail.
The dog ____________ on the pond.
The horse _____________ football.

Homework: Write the lesson plan in your notebook.
Have a wonderful week!!!!!