miercuri, 29 aprilie 2020

7th grade/Future bodies-reading comprehension

Here we are again, my dear students! 🌻
Before we start our lesson I have a question! Answer it in your notebook!
What do you want to look like in the future? 
Now, let's start!
This is the link of your online book. Click on it and go to exercise 1, label the picture with the word. You will refresh your knowledges about body parts.

In exercise 2, there are two columns. In the first column you have to write words related to your body and in the second column words related to your face.

The next step is to read and listen to the article. After reading , explain the following words: to adapt, mucles, improvements, weaker, disappear. 
You can use Cambridge dictionary. https://dictionary.cambridge.org/

Read the article again and answer the questions!

The last part of this lesson is to complete the following test and send it to my email!


Keep up the good work! Take care of yourself! 😘❤️

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