marți, 9 iunie 2020

Final Revision

Hello, my dear students!

This is our last lesson of this school year! We will write about ourselves.

Answer the questions ! Make a project by using your answers!

1    How old are you?

2    How tall are you?
3    How many brothers and sisters have you got?
4    What kind of hair have you got?
5    What colour is your hair?
6    What colour are your bedroom walls?
7    What’s on your bedroom walls?
8    Who do you sit next to in class?
9    What’s in your desk?
10    How do you come to school?
11    How do you carry your homework to school?
12    Where do you do your homework?
13    Where do you have lunch?
14    What’s your favourite colour?
15    What's your favourite food?
16    What’s your favourite drink?
17    What's your favourite film?
18    Can you play the piano?
19    Can you swim?
             20. Can you play basketball?

Have a wonderful Summer!!!!!!!

joi, 4 iunie 2020

5th grade/ Summer vacation/ Reading

Hello, dear 5th graders!
 Today we will talk about Summer activities.

Meet Diane!

Read the text !
Hi Friends! My name’s Diane. I’m twelve years old and I live in Manchester, Britain. I would like to talk about my vacations.
We have a longer school holiday in the summer in Britain.
In July or in August we (my mother, my father, my little sister, Sophie and me) usually go away for two weeks. We always visit different places. We go to European countries: Greece, Spain, Italy or France. All of us love warm places and the sea.
During our vacation I swim in the sea, sunbathe, do some sports and visit famous places.
We usually travel by plane when we go abroad because it is fast and comfortable.
We often stay in hotels, but sometimes we rent a cabin.
I love these days. They are always great fun and I can meet new friends.

1 Are the statements true (ü), false (û) or doesn’t it say ()?

1 Sophie is 12 years old.
2 There is no school in Britain in August.
3 Diane’s sister is older than her.
4 There are five people in Diane’s family.
5 Greece is in Europe.
6 Diane is active during her vacation.
7 Diane’s mother likes swimming.
8 They always travel by car.
9 They like staying in a caravan.
10 Diane likes going on holiday.

2 Complete the sentences.
1 Diane has a ____________ holiday in the summer.
2 They usually go to ____________ countries.
3 The family members ____________ the sea.
4 Diane swims, sunbathes and does some sports __________ the vacation.
5 Travelling by plane is __________ and _____________.
What about you?
1 Where do you usually go on holiday?
2 How do you travel?
3 Where do you stay?
4 Who do you go with?
5 What do you usually do?

6th grade/ Writing about Summer holidays

Hello, dear 6th graders!
It's already Summer! Let's write about it!

Now it’s time to write. Use the box below to help you. You can illustrate   
 your writing with pictures of your holiday if you want.

4th grade/ Reading

Hello , dear 4th graders!

Today we will read about Monica's Summer.

Read the text and answer the questions!

Hi! My name is Monica. I live in London. It is a  very beautiful city. I adore it.  I like my
 summer holidays and I have a lot of things to do. I like to take photos  of my friends when we go sightseeing. We often listen to music,  play tennis  or play basketball together. We like to go to  dancing club. I think  I’ll take part in dancing competition.
At home I like to read books  and watch Tv. Very often I help my mum to cook  tasty  dishes. It is very interesting .Once a week we go to Brighton to swim in the sea.  When the weather is fine  we scuba dive.
         My family plans to go to Paris .We will stay there for two weeks.

1.      Where does Monica live.
2.      What does she like to do when she goes sightseeing?
3.      What does she often do with her friends?
4.      What competition does she want to take part?
5.      What does she do at home?
6.      Where do they plan to go?

What about your Summer? What do you plan to do ? Write about your Summer activities and plans.

miercuri, 3 iunie 2020

Limba română /Clasa a 7-a/ ULIȚA COPILĂRIEI, de Ionel Teodoreanu

Bună, dragi copii!
Azi vom vorbi despre copilărie, perioada cea mai frumoasă a vieții noastre.
Răspundeți la următoarele întrebări:

Citiți textul ULIȚA COPILĂRIEI, scris de Ionel Teodoreanu.

 Rezolvați exercițiile!
La exercițiul 10 trebuie să identificați verbele la modul indicativ, timpurile imperfect și perfect simplu. ⬇️

vineri, 29 mai 2020

Limba română /Clasa a 7a/Complementul direct/Complementul indirect

Bună tuturor!
Azi vom învăța despre Complementul direct și Complementul indirect.
Vizionați următorul video ⬇️
Scrieți următoarele notițe în caietul de școală!


Weekend plăcut! 🌞

7ht grade/Project time/Cyberbullying

Be smart online!
Stay safe!
Today's lesson:  How to make a  brochure about cyberbullying?

Answer the questions:

  • Are you active on any social media network?
  • How long have you had your account?
  • What is the minimum age required to open an account?
  • How much time do you normally spend online every day? What do you do?

The virtual space can sometimes be a dangerous place. Read the information below to find out what cyberbullying is and why it is dangerous.

  • What is it?
Cyberbullying. Using the Internet to harm or frighten another person, especially by sending them unpleasant messages. Anything from insults and cruel comments to someone’s posts or pictures, to upsetting questions about our personal lives can be an example of cyberbullying.

  • How does it happen?

Cyberbullying is hardly an accident, it happens repeatedly, when an individual or group use technology to harm another person or group. Cyberbullies send hurtful texts or abusive emails, exclude classmates from online conversations, imitate someone online, post inappropriate images or troll other people.

  • Can it happen to you?

Cyberbullying can happen to anyone! It typically involves a person who bullies someone, either hiding behind fake online profiles, or in a group of friends or classmates. In some cases, others are also involved – people who witness someone being cyberbullied. A positive reaction is is to provide support to the target. A negative reaction is joining in in the bullying behaviour by forwarding humiliating images and making demeaning comments.

  • Is it serious?

Cyberbullying is very serious! It can occur 24 hours a day, extending well beyond school grounds and into ‘safe’ spaces, such as in homes. Its effects can damage a lot, making a person lose trust in themselves, feel isolated, friendless, miserable and insecure. If you think one of your friends may be the target of cyberbullying, don’t ignore it – offer to assist and then talk to an adult!

  • What can we do?

Respect online is just as important as in face-to-face interaction, so it is important to teach younger internet users how to act responsibly online and show them ways to deal with cyberbullying behaviour and ways to prevent it. It is also crucial to demonstrate how others can be affected by their interactions online and what language and actions are considered appropriate in the online environment.

Look at the following words from the text and write them in the table below. Add two more for each category.

Your school has chosen some students in your year to help younger colleagues stay away from cyberbullying. Design a campaign brochure to inform about the dangers of cyberbullying and how to keep safe.
Step 1
Design the first poster to inform your schoolmates about cyberbullying. Use the headlines in the text  to inform about:
➡️what cyberbullying is.
➡️how and where it can happen.
➡️who can be affected.
➡️what people can do about it.
Tip: Do you know that a picture is worth 1000 words? So, don’t forget to use images to make your message more effective!

Step 2
Research time: Use the Internet to find out more about the signs someone may be a victim of cyberbullying.
Put the information on the second poster.

Step 3
Research the Internet and use your own ideas to make suggestions about how to keep safe online.
Design the third poster to complete your campaign.
Tip: Always be selective about the information available online!

Have a great weekend!!!!!!!